Jaw angle is one of the most defining features of your face. In men, a broad, square jaw is synonymous with strength and masculinity. In women, a prominent, well-defined jawline is a sign of elegance and beauty. Unfortunately, not all people are genetically gifted with the bone structure for an ideal jawline.
Who is a candidate for jaw augmentation?
If you have concerns of a weak chin or a weak jawline, you are likely a good candidate for this customized enhancement. In younger patients, you may not like the way your jaw looks in angles of photographs or how you appear in profile. For older patients with weak chins and jawlines, they usually come to us with early-onset aging, sagging of the neck, jowls, and deep wrinkles of the lower face and neck. Patients who desire procedures to help them look younger may, in fact, need face lifting in combination with jawline enhancement with custom facial implants. This will not only help them achieve a desirable result but also maintain that result over time!